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Kolawole Oshun

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Everything posted by Kolawole Oshun

  1. I understand what you are saying but I am saying that for some reason for the hundreds of milliseconds the lowest this controller seems to be allowing me to set it to is 60ms, 2 greens and 2 reds. I can’t go down to 50ms for some reason!
  2. The lowest I seem to be able to get is 2 Green and 2 reds for the ms one and it is not fast enough at all for what I have brought the controller for meaning it does not really have any value to me?
  3. How do I know when its on that because I have the seconds on 0 and the hundreds of milliseconds on 0 but not sure how to tell what the tens of seconds its on because it shows 2 green lights and 2 red lights instead? Also, so if I put the off timing on 50ms what do I put the on timing on please?
  4. The X button and I just want it to spam as fast as possible to beat the pin mini button game and I am trying to makke it just tap the button as fast as possible.
  5. Yes I did that as I have the advanced one but unless I am doing the timing wrong, I am just finding that it is not fast at all when I am try to button bash to kick out of the pins?
  6. Hello, I am trying to set up the turbo function on the controller for WWE 2K22 to button bash to kick out of pins but the button bashing is not fast at all and it is not at all succesful and I am not sure what I am doing wrong? Please help.
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